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2002 Archives

December 27, 2002
Diane Ferlatte / André Aciman / Jay O’Callahan

December 20, 2002
No Gore in 2004 / Health Note/Music & Exercise / Almanac/Polar Night / Neo-Pagans / In Search of Hairy Spiders / Letters / Factory Farm Rules / Business Note/Cell Phone Recycling / Rethinking Timber / Stewardship Contracting / Mistletoe Memories

December 13, 2002
Cheney’s Energy Task Force / Environmental Oversight / Health Note/Averting River Blindness / Almanac/Moonwalk / A Living Learning Space / In Search of Home / News Follow-up / Animal Note/Wake-up Call / Rolling Rainforest / The Cofans of the Amazon

December 6, 2002
Israeli Water Crisis / Health Note/Mercury & Vaccines / Almanac/London Smog / Plundering Paradise / Gap in Nature / Unlikely Eco-campaigns / Tech Note/Sticky Solution / Auto-immune Disease Clusters / Regreening the Medina

November 29, 2002
Endangered Forest / Almanac/Antarctica Territory / The Rural Life / Lewis & Clark Trail / Conscious Shopping / Health Note/Antibiotic Resistance / Planetary Protection / Canadian Wine Marketing

November 22, 2002
Environmental Reassessment / Curbing Greenhouse Gas Emissions One Silo at a Time / Business Note/A Greener Staples / Almanac/Happy Birthday, Harriet! / Cancer Causes / Cutting Basic Science / Tree-sitting, Suburban-style / Health Note/Fighting Polio / The Eagle’s Shadow / Too Many Pets

November 15, 2002
The Rivers South, Part 1 / The Rivers South, Part 2 / News Follow-up / Animal Note/Lizard Lounge / Valles Caldera / Fine Animal Gorilla

November 8, 2002
Election Wrap-up / Colorado Energy Tax / Almanac/Lights Out / California Cleaning / Precious Waters / First Frost / Health Note/Urban Distress / Species Preservation / Humpback Whale Song / EarthEar

November 1, 2002
Preparing for a Changing Climate / Filtering Seawater / Health Note/Spud-aid / Almanac/Blowin’ in the Wind / Revolutionary Lighting / Light Up the World / Cosmos Chorus / Tech Note/Personal Beacons / Lead Paint Mistrial / Lead Committee / Deceit and Denial

October 25, 2002
New Hampshire Senate Candidates in Dead Heat / Health Note/Airport Noise / Almanac/Don’t Fence Me In / Public Enemy #1 / Kyoto Follow-up / A Gap in Nature / Animal Note/Tough Love / Lake Tahoe Mansions / Dark Skies / EarthEar

October 18, 2002
Southern Tipping Point / No-Fishing Zone / Almanac/Like Buttah / Cruising for Crusoe / Grains of Sand / Ask Dr. Tatiana / Technology Note/Solar Surgery / Letters / Butt Out/NYC / Wellstone Faces Tough Challenge in Minnesota Senate Race / EarthEar - "Platte Convergence"

October 11, 2002
Clean Water Act / Don’t Drink the Water / Business Note/Paper Wizard / Almanac/Stealth Dolphins / House Raising / Shirt Scraps / News Followup / Health Note/ Nursing Home Sleep / Silver Valley / EarthEar

October 4, 2002
Colorado Senate Race / G-E Labelling / Health Note/Hepatitis B Research / Almanac/Behold the Perm / Park Neglect / Ode to Dirt / Letters / Zen Garden / Animal Note/Insect Tune-Out / 4-H Youth / Family Ties / EarthEar

September 27, 2002
Cleaner Diesel Engines / Full Speed Ahead / Almanac/Tainted Tylenol / A Bird’s Life / Ready for Fall / Letters / Global Warming Suit / Health Note/Resisting Brain Disease / Endocrine Disruptors / Radioactive Dumping / Soundscape/Earth Ear

September 20, 2002
Afghan Seed Bank / Waiving Laws for Military Readiness / National Security and the Loggerhead Shrike / Almanac/Going Up! / Herbicide Toxicity / Comfy Camping / On the Beach / News Follow-up / Health Update/Malaria Vaccine / Environmental Justice / Safer Schools / EarthEar

September 13, 2002
Homeland Security / Ogonowski Legacy / Almanac/Hadrian’s Wall / Kuwait Cleanup / German Elections / Redwood Threat / Health Note/Euro Itch / The Roadless Yaak

September 6, 2002
From the World Summit in Johannesburg / Almanac/Rio Summit / White House P.O.V. / Small Scale Nuke / Solar Salon / Health Note/Save the Children / South Africa Water / Corporate Accountability / Voice of the People

August 30, 2002
Thailand’s Tigers / Health Note/Alcohol & Dementia / Almanac/First Refrigerator / Bringing Back Buffalo / Wide-Open Night / Noise Map / Animal Note/Caterpillar Repellant / Web Promo / The Ethics of Nature Photography / Earthear

August 23, 2002
An Ecologist’s Journey to Motherhood / Animal Note/Desert Beetle / Almanac/Atomic Tourism / Myco-Medicine / Dragonfly Dating / Recycled Runway / Health Note/Tick Spit / Night Light / Snow Geese

August 16, 2002
Preserving Language / Health Note/Curry Consumption / Almanac/Fragrant Firsts / Bhopal Today / Waste Not, Want Not / Fear the Fake Fox / Business Note/Recycling Cellphones / Considering the Eel / A Lesson In Sight

August 9, 2002
Watching for Fire / Health Note/Teen Eating / Almanac/Deep Sea Hot Springs / Maggot P.I. / Coral Spawning / Hand-me-down Feathers / Tech Note/Travelpod / Alaska Wonderland / EarthEar

August 2, 2002
World Summit on Sustainable Development / Biz Note/Power of Pizza / Almanac/Hot Air Balloon / Deconstruction / Bug Splats / LOE Today: Book Reading / Wild Thing / Health Note/Vacation from Vacation / Generation Next: A Better Me / EarthEar

July 26, 2002
Green Party Momentum / California Sludge / Health Note/CA Cancer Registry / Almanac/The Ultimate Disc / Oregon Property Rights / Letters / In Memoriam / Climate Change Roundup / Technology Note/Chicken Chips / Bypassing Bycatch

July 19, 2002
Voracious Snakehead / Animal Tumors / Health Note/Eat Your Spinach / Almanac/Rat Catcher’s Day / Nocturnal Birds / Alewife Survival / Spitting Fish / Animal Note/Flavorful Pesticide / A Life With Chimps / Queen of the Woodchucks

July 12, 2002
California Dealing / Coal and The Economist / Almanac: Crop Over Festival / Sludge / Organic Labels / Listener Letters / Coffee Law / Health Note: Aroma Therapy / Maya Mural / Sound Art

July 5, 2002
Amtrak’s Troubles / Zebra Mussels / Health Note/Vitamin E & Prostate Cancer / Almanac/Snail Showers / Antibiotics & Plants / Selous Game Reserve / Eau de Deception / Business Note/ EV L.A. / Generation Next: Designer Babies

June 28, 2002
Acrylamide / Utah Waste / Animal Note/Hopping to Safety / Almanac/In the Fast Lane / Urban Eco-village / Return of the Brown Pelican / Health Note/Nicotine Vaccines / King of Corn / To the Edge and Back

June 21, 2002
All Species Great and Small / Dancing Gnats / Health Note/Natural Insecticide / Living on Earth Almanac/By the Sea / Women of Discovery / News Follow-up / Tech Note/Jello Bandaid / Listener Letters / Nuclear Waste / Blowin’ in the Wind

June 14, 2002
Activists vs. Law Enforcement / Earth Summit Prep / Health Note/Eat Your Greens / Almanac/Seahorse Dads / Diesel Regulations / More Roads, Less Trains / News Follow-up / Business Note/Consumption Barometer / LOE Today / The Endangered Sage Grouse / Sagebrush Territory

June 7, 2002
U.S. Climate Action / News Analysis / Global Goals / Animal Note/Frenzied Ants / Living on Earth Almanac/Firefly Festival / Estate Tax Battle / Lessons in Survival / Conservation Cows / Gurkha Training / Health Note/TV & Body Image / Cyborg Society

May 31, 2002
Powder River Gas Drilling / 9/11 Contrails / Health Note: Brains on Estrogen / Almanac: Yard Sales / Southwest Drought / Picky Pig / Traditional Medicines / Tech Note: Virtual Help for Parkinson’s / Listener Letters / New Dairies

May 24, 2002
Ecuador Pipeline / Oil in the Sea / Department A/Health Note / The Living On Earth Almanac / Middletown / Cracker Childhood

May 17, 2002
West Virginia Flood / Airplane Air / Department A/Health Note / The Living On Earth Almanac / Rural Youth Loans / Malformed Frogs / Noise Map / Department B/Animal Note / Eucalyptus / Manatees

May 10, 2002
California Emissions / Forest Deal / Department A/Health Note / The Living On Earth Almanac / Salmon Farming / Cooking Controversy / Woodcocks / Department B/Biz Note / Cloning

May 3, 2002
Farm Bill / Wing Dams / Department A/Tech Note / The Living on Earth Almanac / Myopia / Listener Letters / Life With Abbey / News Follow-up / Department B/Health Note / Fish Out of Water / The Elusive Eel

April 26, 2002
Harbor Pollution / Blue Vinyl / Animal Note/Squirrels / The Living on Earth Almanac / Energy Bill / Thumper Trucks / Whooping Cranes / Health Note/Non-Traditional Jobs / New Chair for IPCC / Bush Earth Day Speech / Blind Walk

April 19, 2002
Superfund / Biodiesel / The Living on Earth Almanac / German Hens / Wilderness Commentary / Hornbill Feathers / Health Note/Tick Saliva / Listener Letters / Monarch Butterflies

April 12, 2002
Generation Next, Part 1, Xenotransplantation / Planetary Traffic Jam / Tech Note: Mosquito Needle / Turkey Trot / Snow Geese

April 5, 2002
Global Reporting Initiative / Drop-Dead Gorgeous / Animal Note: New Insect Order / Almanac: Nuclear Tourism / Gorillas in Their Midst / Moss / Rock Climbing Wrongs / Health Note: Spain Poisoning / Listener Letters / Everglades Restoration / **WEB EXTRA**
Aquifer Storage and Recovery

March 29, 2002
Cheney Papers / Klamath Update / Health Note: Herbal Supplements / Almanac: World Coal Carrying Championships / Clean Fill / Rural Air / Ridgewood Family Night / Business Note: Weather Index / Nightlight / Surfrider

March 22, 2002
Dioxin Debate / LA Bus Riders / Health Note: Chewing Gum and Memory / Almanac: Fragrance Strips / Organic Food Benefits / Precision Agriculture / March Hares / Jeep Ad / Technology Note: Travel Pod / Winship Tribute / Preserving Languages / Wild Horses

March 15, 2002
Saginaw / Drugs in Drinking Water / Almanac: Supersonic Bear / Free Trade / Lord Browne / Recycled Runway / Animal Note: Multi-purpose lungs / Listener Letters / World Wrap / Salt: A World History / Snow Plow Guy

March 8, 2002
The Search for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Part 1 / The Search for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Part 2 / Cornell & the Ivory-bill / News Follow-Up / Business Note: BP Cuts Political Spending / Almanac: Korean Bullfighting / Resignations / Geocaching

March 1, 2002
Maine Drought / Drought and Climate Change / Health Note: Sleeping Sickness / Almanac: Antarctica Marathon / Energy Task Force / Energy Bill / West Night / Toxic Exports / Animal Note: Smelly Elephants / Listener Letters / Bhopal / Kiwis / Superfund [audio only]

February 22, 2002
Green Japan / Mutant Fish / Health Note: Memory Aid / Almanac: Toothbrushes / GM Corn / New Source Commentary / Fake Foxes / Business Note / Buffalo for the Broken Heart / Camel Ice Cream

February 15, 2002
Bush on Climate Change / Health Note / Almanac: Underwater Oasis / Killer Compost / Mammoth Ski / News Follow-Up / Technology Note / Listener Letters / Bird Books / Audio Walks

February 8, 2002
Freedom Car / CAFE / Health Note: Preventing Alzheimer's / Almanac: Chinese New Year / Fresh Kills / California Drilling / Green Olympics / Animal Note: Musical Fish / Chernobyl Revisited / Yucca Mountain

February 1, 2002
Enron and Deregulation / Eagle Scout / Health Note: Nicotine Metabolization / Almanac: Darien Gap / California Moves Against CO2 / A Sturgeon in Sheep's Clothing / Ground Zero Dogs / Technology Note: Smog Dogs / Listener Letters / Nature Photography

January 25, 2002
Enron and the Energy Plan / OMB / Health Note: Healthy Drinking / Almanac: Giant Waves / National Academy of Sciences / Austin Mold / News Follow-up / Business Note: Solar-powered Gas Stations / Wild Health / Bird Songs

January 18, 2002
Bureau of Land Management / Wetlands / Animal Note: Artificial Spider Silk / Almanac: Chinook Wind / Hormones in the Environment / Nova Scotia Compost / News Follow-up / Health Note: Herbal Liver Toxicity / Mycomedicine / Plants Against Adversity

January 11, 2002
EPA Ombudsman / Ecological Indicators / Health Note / Almanac: Pier 39 / Toms River / Woburn Update / Listener Letters / Technology Note / Kitty Litter / The Grid and the Village / Wind Chill

January 4, 2002
Afghan Opium / Bird Watch 9/11 / Business Update / Almanac: Burning of the Clavie / Bio-Piracy / SUV Tickets / Health Note / Blue Frontier / Longwall Mining

January 1, 2002


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