Microbes Transform Wastewater to Energy
Air Date: Week of February 3, 2012
The wastewater treatment plant at Penn State. (Photo: Lisa Raffensperger)
At Penn State, engineers are creating a promising new energy technology. They’ve designed a microbial fuel cell, using bacteria to clean wastewater and produce electricity. From IEEE Spectrum, Glenn Zorpette reports on this new type of renewable energy.
GELLERMAN: It's Living on Earth, I'm Bruce Gellerman. It's been said that ‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.’ Well then, for researchers at Penn State University, our liquid trash may prove to be quite the trove. The scientists are developing “microbial fuel cells” - devices that harvest electricity when minute life forms feed on wastewater.
Glenn Zorpette of the Eye-Triple-E Spectrum, National Science Foundation program, "The Water-Energy Crunch: A Powerful Puzzle," has our story.
WATSON: This treatment plant collects the wastewater from the whole Penn State campus.
ZORPETTE: PhD student Valerie Watson stands on a bridge surveying a brown waterfall.
WATSON: Basically it’s just sewage, it’s what coming out of your toilets, it’s what going down your drains or your garbage disposals.
ZORPETTE: Watson uses a stick scooper to fill liter plastic jugs with the yellowish water. But, crucially, there’s more than just waste in wastewater—there are bacteria, feasting on it.
WATSON: We’re here to collect the bacteria that would normally be doing this process while exposed to oxygen. But we’re gonna take them out and we’re gonna put them in our own reactor.
ZORPETTE: Our “reactor” is a microbial fuel cell—a promising new energy technology, using bacteria, digesting wastewater, to produce electricity. And we’ll come back to these jars of sewage. See, wastewater of almost every variety contains organic matter. And that organic matter has energy, which bacteria are able to release in the form of electrons. Bruce Logan, who heads a Penn State environmental engineering lab, explains.

A demo fuel cell in the lab produces enough power to run a small fan. (Photo: Lisa Raffensperger)
LOGAN: They rip electrons out of the organic matter and they have to go somewhere, and in our body, we send those electrons to oxygen, but we don't give them oxygen in a microbial fuel cell. So the only way the electrons can get to react with oxygen is to flow through the circuit.
ZORPETTE: Electrons flowing through a circuit is electricity. But the irony is, we currently spend electricity to remove organic matter from water—to the tune of 1.5 percent of our nationwide use. It goes to aerators, pumps, and lights for the buildings. Logan says that someday, microbial fuel cells installed at wastewater treatment plants could generate that much electricity while cleaning the water.
LOGAN: We could look at not only not using that electrical energy, but actually being a net electricity producer. That would be a really good thing for society.

Each of these gadgets are test fuel cells. (Photo: Lisa Raffensperger)
ZORPETTE: For instance, that Penn State water treatment plant? Logan calculates its 2.6 million gallons of sewage daily could someday provide enough power to run 84 nearby houses.
ZORPETTE: So, back to that sewage. In the lab, Valerie starts assembling a microbial fuel cell. These test versions are clear plastic cubes small enough to hold in your hand. On one end: the anode, which looks like a bottle-cleaning brush. This is what the bacteria will grow on. On the other end, a circle of carbon cloth with platinum painted on. That’s the cathode. Valerie fills the cell with the sewage sample we collected at the plant. A wire connects anode to cathode, with a resistor put in between. And voila: a tiny bacteria battery.

Penn State PhD student Valerie Watson holds a wastewater sample. (Photo: Lisa Raffensperger)
WATSON: And so now here freestanding on its own we can have electron flow through the microbial fuel cell.
ZORPETTE: The bacteria continue doing what they were doing before, eating the waste. But the key difference is: that now they’re deprived of oxygen. In the absence of oxygen, some bacteria can pass electrons to a solid surface—the anode, in this case. In our test cell, electricity will begin to flow through the wires about 2 days later, as the electrons settle on the anode and begin their work.
ZORPETTE: If you imagine this on a large scale, water at a wastewater treatment plant would flow through these chambers on its way through the processing. Microbes would digest the sewage, clean the water and produce electricity. It would look almost identical to how water treatment looks now—just, instead of electricity going in, it’d be coming out.
On a smaller scale, the lab at Penn State still has lots to learn about the tiny critters that power their microbial fuel cells. PhD student Rachel Wagner is studying which microbes thrive in a fuel cell, and why. She looks at how they’ve adapted to better pass their electrons to the anode.
WAGNER: If we can figure out what genes are turned on when a microbe is in a microbial fuel cell and using the anode as a terminal electron acceptor, then we can manipulate those genes.

Rachel Wagner examines which microbes will work best in the fuel cells.
(Photo: Lisa Raffensperger)
ZORPETTE: But the secret to success probably lies on the other side of the cell—the cathode—says Bruce Logan.
LOGAN: I think right now the central challenge is designing these systems so that they're not really big and really expensive. And mostly, that boils down to designing an efficient cathode.
ZORPETTE: Today, the best cathodes are made of platinum, which is expensive. Other, less-efficient cathodes, have to be really big to produce substantial power.
LOGAN: We're really putting a lot of energy and effort into addressing that problem in a way that doesn't use precious metals and can be done with, you know, a reasonable amount of volume of reactor.

The wastewater treatment plant at Penn State. (Photo: Lisa Raffensperger)
LOGAN: We're just trying to answer the question, can we guarantee society water? That's a pretty basic thing. You can argue about cars and buildings and heat and cooling or whatever, but you got to have water.
ZORPETTE: It’s a big guarantee—carried on the backs of the tiniest of workhorses. I’m Glenn Zorpette.
GELLERMAN: Our story is part of the Eye-Triple-EE Spectrum, National Science Foundation program, "The Water-Energy Crunch: A Powerful Puzzle."
For more information, go to our website loe.org.
IEEE Spectrum’s Engineers of the New Millennium: The Water-Energy Crunch: A Power Puzzle
Penn State Microbial Fuel Cell research description (including a link to a demonstration webcam)
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