Listening On Earth: Tuba Christmas
Air Date: Week of December 16, 2022
According to an enthusiastic crowd, Gabby Grondalski had the most festively decorated tuba at this year’s Tuba Christmas. (Photo: Sophia Pandelidis)
The annual “Tuba Christmas” concert, which includes musicians of all ages and skill levels, brings holiday cheer in many places around the world. Living on Earth’s Sophia Pandelidis recorded the Boston festivities.
CURWOOD: Roughly a hundred tuba players of all ages recently braved the cold to ring in the holiday season in the Downtown Crossing neighborhood of Boston.
Mike Zucca was one of the hundred or so tuba players who participated in the free public concert. (Photo: Sophia Pandelidis)
CURWOOD: “Tubachristmas” is an annual, international, tradition.
Musicians of any skill level can participate in many places around the world.
CURWOOD: Living on Earth’s Sophia Pandelidis recorded the Boston festivities.
Tuba Christmas | “What is Tuba Christmas?”
The Boston Calendar | “Snowflake Crossing: A Winter Wonderland in Downtown Crossing”
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